Saturday, February 28, 2009

Can Jindal be the face of the Republican Party?

I have been hearing about Bobby Jindal for awhile ever since the election was over. I heard many people comment on how the GOP need some faces without so many wrinkles. And Jindal seems to fit that role after Sarah Palin disappeared into wilderness of Alaska.

The GOP needs youth and they thought they had found in with Jindal. He not only is he in his thirties, but a minority! Like most people know the GOP is full of old, white dudes, who don't want to reach out for the minority vote. But the GOP does have some smart people, since they are trying to have the GOP's poster boy be an Indian-American. I was really happy that they noticed that minorities can be very useful. So the GOP is trying to figure out how to get out of the doghouse and they seem to be on the right track. The are showing that they can break out of the norm and are changing the ways they plan to get back into power.

I was getting excited about this new change in the GOP and guess what happened?
Jindal decided to speak on the national TV and make a fool out himself. He went on for 12 minutes talking about how he has cross the party lines and help Louisiana after Katrina. Guess what Jindal? No one cares what you did three years. Not only did he sound fake but his whole message was pointless. He followed President Obama, who is great orator, and this just showed that the GOP doesn't have their next Obama. All sides heavily criticized Jindal and they are right. He was fake when the GOP needs someone who is really and who can convinced people that the GOP is still alive. He tried to talk about how bipartisanship is needed which the GOP is clearly not considering (very ironic). And then goes on to say that what the Democrats are doing is wrong but fails to mention a better plan. See for yourself the video of Jindal

So now to answer the question Can Jindal be the face of the Republican party? He has the qualifications. He is a minority, very young, and extremely smart. But he cant energize the people or keep them awake. So my answer is no. The GOP needs someone who can get people crying and Jindal does not have the charisma the GOP needs.

For my fellow republicans I'm sorry but lets find someone with charisma and intelligence. Something the party has been lacking for many years.

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