Sunday, March 1, 2009

Dismissing al-Marri Case..

Mmmm.. I don't think supreme court will make any difference for al-Marri case, but I guess it was wrong of Bush Administration to send al-Marri to Brig without any charge; Bush administration took away the individual right with Enemy Combatant. But I don't think there will be any difference; to me it seems kind of obvious that he is a terrorist: he had around 1700 credit card numbers, false identifications, poisoning chemicals, and Osama bin Laden's lectures.
What really happens when government really dismisses the case? I thought it meant the government would just eradicate the case, but it actually meant the government will take the case to the U.S. legal system.
Also, reports said that al-Marri is going insane because he could not pray; he does not know where East is, and there are no lights and clock in the cell.
Please, feel free to correct me :].

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