He outlines the basic principles of conservatism as:
1. Support for the Constitution
2. Respect for life
3. Less government
4. More personal responsibility
Define Conservatism was dedicated to Ronald Reagan, William F. Buckley Jr., Barry Goldwater, and Jim DeMint (his political heroes). He plans to write a second book that will focus on Alexander Hamilton and James Monroe.
WATCH "Jonathan Krohn Addresses CPAC":
his impersonation thing reminds me of Amy Poehler as Caitlin in SNL (anyone remember that?).
This kid gets a lot of hate mail, saying that he is brainwashed by his parents. I don’t know if he is, but he is a pretty great communicator at age 14. I have to say I like this little guy. It’s a hopeful sight to know that not all young folks are liberals. I always have this feeling that everyone is a liberal, but then I am reminded I live in California. I’m not a hardcore conservative, but I do find myself agreeing with a lot of its principles. (I’m not against liberalism; I’m still trying to figure out my political beliefs. My parents are registered independents, but my mom is ideologically democrat and my dad wavers back and forth, so I guess I am somewhat of an exception to the whole “family is the biggest influence”-thing.)
But I wanted to post about little Jonny because he talks about a lot things we have learned in class, such as the Constitution (and how strictly or loosely we should abide to it). One principle I particularly like is “more personal responsibility.” We can’t control many things in life – from luck, or lack thereof, to how others act – but we can be responsible for ourselves. Someone undergoing an unfortunate situation, such as losing their home and having to resort to living in tents (it’s happening and it’s incredibly sad), should not feel they have to cheat or take from those in better circumstances. Basically, we can’t change the economics of it all, but diligence and persistence can change the circumstance, and even that isn’t definite because it’s life and it’s not always unfair. But this is America – land of opportunities, not land of economic equality. And no, I don’t come from a family of wealthy, business owners; not even close. But I do believe that it is unjustifiable to take from others when it is a problem involving the economics of life. In closing, I will say I am open to other people’s beliefs &
as much as you do or do not agree with him, Jonathan Krohn is going places.
Wow, that's pretty cool. Whether he is "brainwashed" by his parents or not, it's amazing to see such a young kid know enough about his political view to write an entire book about it. I'm sitting here at 18, still completely lost about politics. But I guess 14 is a little too young to truly know what your beliefs are. There's still so much to go through and learn; his views are subject to change as he grows up.
From his photo he seems a little full of himself, but he has a pretty big right to be. I am probably just jealous of how much he's accomplished. Maybe he can replace Glenn Beck at FOX News, I'd much rather listen to the little tyke than to the guy who could probably eat him
From his photo he seems a little full of himself, but he has a pretty big right to be. I am probably just jealous of how much he's accomplished. Maybe he can replace Glenn Beck at FOX News, I'd much rather listen to the little tyke than to the guy who could probably eat him
It seems pretty nice that he has able to accomplish writing a book. Although I do question how much he is influenced by his parents. I like the fact that a person so young can understand politics , when I am beggining to grasp it. I think that he will change his mind as he grows older and things change.
At 14, I believe that I was just coming in grasps of American pop culture. At 17 (almost 18!), I have finally begun to delve into the world of American politics and believe me, I never knew how conflicted American politics can be. To be so young and sure of himself, I have to admit I seem to be going nowhere compared to the kid. However, I really don't think his views on conservatitism will forever stay the same. The more I learn about politics, the more I come to believe how contradictory it is.
I can say that I am really happy that he is able to understand so much of government. We are beginning to advance as a whole to get as many people to not only understand political issues, but to actually participate. I can see why Mr. Park said education plays such an important role. I didn't even know the basics at his age!I certainly don't sit at home and think about how I can define one word in a book. Awesome!
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