This is an interesting article that I came across in CNN
As the stock market continues to drop, President Obama is running out of people to blame, according to an editorial in the Wall Street Journal.
Before the president took office, in early January, the stock market was over 9,000 its highest level since last fall. But in the last two months, it has dropped 25% to its lowest level since 1997. It closed today with a gain of 150 points.
The Journal suggests that Mr. Obama’s policies are slowing, if not stopping, what would be a normal economic recovery. “From punishing business to squandering scarce national public resources, Team Obama is creating more uncertainty and less confidence,” said the editorial.
The editorial takes issue with the way much of the administration’s stimulus spending went to social programs rather than public works, how the Treasury has been managing the bank bailout plan, and how tax cuts were devoted to income maintenance rather than giving incentives to work or invest.
The Journal also points out how the market took a dive after the President announced his budget. The paper called it a “declaration of hostility toward capitalists across the economy.”
The editorial suggests Democrats benefit from blaming all bad economic news on President Bush,
and there’s a new poll out that shows Americans kind of agree with that. The NBC/Wall Street Journal poll shows 84% of those surveyed say this is an economy Mr. Obama inherited and two-thirds of those people think he has at least a year before he becomes responsible for it.
By the way — this poll also shows the president’s favorability rating at an all-time high and the Republicans at an all-time low.
Here’s my question to you: Should President Obama be blamed for the continuing fall of the stock market?
It might be that things are "slowing down" (of course it's just the Journal's suggestion) but who wouldn't be cautious in guiding a whole nation through these hard times? I guess that famous quote is true: Things will get worse before they get better. People tend to be more pessimistic around this time only making things more judgmental.
It is funny and ironic how people, journalists, and sometimes our own legislature are quick to point the finger when things turn sour considering that most of the time it is they who put themselves in this position. The industries, markets, and banks should have been prepared for the worst case scenario.
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What is your opinion? Should our new president be blamed for the stock market's fall?
I didn't read the article so maybe I should just shut up now, but I think it's pretty obvious the economy has been crashing long before Obama was even a presidential candidate.
I respectfully disagree with Emilie's position. True, stocks had been going down prior to Obama's presidency, but the systematic sell off in recent weeks has been a clear repudiation of Obama's economic policy that is clearly revealing his liberal vision of nationalizing our economy.
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